History of the Foundation

Timothy A. Peloquin (“Tim”) and his wife, Heather, began and founded Promised Land Foundation in the summer-fall of 2022 to expand the work they began over decades in sponsoring vulnerable children in developing countries. Tim and Heather have always had a heart for helping and sharing the blessings they have received with others, particularly the less fortunate of this world living in dire impoverished circumstances.
Promised Land Foundation Tim
As the owner of a successful New Hampshire small business, Tim has had the opportunity to travel numerous times to developing nations for two-plus decades now. Since 2017, the focus has been on Zambia and Malawi, Africa – ranked the 11th and 3rd poorest countries in the world, respectively. He has seen the ravages of poverty up close and personal – with 87% of the population there (Zambia and Malawi) living well below the poverty level, and unfortunately leaving vulnerable children with no practical means for education and desperate for basic needs (food, shelter, and clothing). Whenever returning to the US, a new appreciation is felt for the abundance we as Americans enjoy – and Tim feels more and more convicted to help the children and families encountered.

“and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,’ and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?” – James 2:16

In memory of Tim’s mom and dad, who both passed away in late 2016, they began sponsoring four vulnerable children in Lusaka, Zambia (Bauleni community) through Family Legacy via their longtime good friends and missionaries there in Zambia – Danny and Sarah Lightner and family. That ministry soon expanded to Malawi, the country next door, when Tim met Macleadson Kafunya (Mac) in 2018 via an “unfortunate” missed flight and serendipitous and fortuitous meeting.

A Little Goes a Long Way

Providing Life’s Necessities

Many people in Zambia and Malawi are living in poverty. A small bit of help and encouragement lifts them up and provides them with great hope. Promised Land Foundation is a new 501(c)(3) organization that’s goal is to partner with others to provide life necessities to those in impoverished countries. Our team is dedicated to connecting with people in Malawi and Zambia through prayer and positivity and blessings so they may experience new opportunities and live their lives to the fullest.
Children of Promise Land Foundation
Support Those in Need…
Mac of Promised Land Foundation, NH
Mac currently works for the government in Blantyre, the capital of Malawi, to support his wife (Maria) and five children, earning approximately 100 USD a month, which is more than most but still falls below the poverty line. On weekends, he leads an orphanage (of which his childhood years know all too well) in the Dedza region of Malawi, and he pastors and leads five churches, all without compensation.

Mr. Kafunya worked as an abandoned child in the village cultivating gardens or whatever he could do to earn a small wage to pay to go to school and gain an education (where now he has even earned a college degree). Obviously, he worked hard, very hard, to be where he is today, and he counts his blessings. Now, with all Mac has known and seen, he deeply desires to give back within his impoverished areas of Malawi to help others with similar hardships. Mac has become a dear friend to Tim and Heather, and he inspires them. His heart and desire are focused on sharing the good news and hope found in Christ with others and doing the work he is called to do. His story and commitment are the sparks that ignited the idea to create Promised Land Foundation.

Board Members

Timothy A. Peloquin

Timothy A. Peloquin


Tim is happily married for decades, and together with his wife Heather have raised a successful son and daughter and are thankful for their careers and points in life. Tim and Heather have been active in their local churches and various ministries in their community throughout. They reside in the charming town of Chester, New Hampshire, and are very thankful for all God has blessed them and entrusted them with.

Regarding his career to date, Mr. Peloquin was educated with a degree in Civil Engineering (1985) and became a Licensed Land Surveyor in New Hampshire (1992). In early 1998, Tim, with the encouragement of his wife, started their own business – Promised Land Survey, LLC. That business has grown exponentially over the years, as his company has earned an excellent reputation and, as a result, has been given many small and large projects in every county of New Hampshire and every state in New England, and even performed GPS/GIS work internationally. He truly loves his work, from a mathematical standpoint to technology, outdoorsman, history and law, precise planning and development, land preservation, and public relations. Tim has served as President of his State Society and now serves on the State Board of Licensure.

In 2003, Mr. Peloquin had the opportunity to go on a short-term mission trip with his church to a developing nation in Central America. This was the beginning of many more trips for consecutive years to follow. In 2016, following the loss of his father and mother, who he was the caretaker for, he and his wife chose to sponsor children in Zambia, Africa, in their name and memory. In 2017, he visited these newly sponsored children and fell in love with the land and people. This was the beginning of many more trips to follow to that region and the abutting country of Malawi, rated the 11th and 3rd poorest countries in the world per capita. His heart is thankful for all he has been blessed with in the US, but comparably breaks when returning back from these countries and cannot forget what he saw and fully experienced.

That said, in the summer/fall of 2022, Tim, with the support of his wife Heather, founded and established Promised Land Foundation with the heartbeat to “do something.” He has a lot of motivation and passion for providing sustaining hope and a future for these less fortunate, deeply impoverished, and simply beautiful children and people. To that end, we are so excited to see where this foundation leads us with God’s direction and purposes, and blessings.

Scott | Promised Land Foundation

David A. Lobley

Vice President

David desires to point people to Jesus Christ for salvation, hope, and instruction – for the glory of God and the good of others. He has served as a deacon at two churches for over fifteen years and has been elected as chairman for several years at each church. As a deacon, he has served in ministries, including care group leadership, financial and benevolence fund oversight, worship service participation, homeless and retirement home outreach, evangelism, discipleship, visitation, caregiving, and pastoral support.

He and his wife have also taught children (primarily fourth – sixth graders) in a church setting for about two decades. While in college, David spent three weeks in Africa on a basketball team that competed with various teams across Uganda, taught basketball skills, and, most importantly, presented the Gospel of Jesus Christ to hundreds of individuals. He has continued to support related ministries to the people of Africa since that experience.

David has had a 34-year career in corporate talent acquisition and human resources, specializing in recruiting professionals across numerous technical fields and experience levels. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Resources as well as a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A). In recent years, he earned a master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling as he felt called to attain additional training related to his ministerial service.

David and his wife live in New Hampshire and have raised three young-adult daughters. He also co-authored a book with his grandfather on their family history and homestead (now camp) in Castine, Maine. To keep physically active, David enjoys working at his side business of processing and selling firewood. The name of his business is “From His Hand,” which is a reminder that it is the Lord who provides all things.

Heather L. Peloquin


Heather grew up in Maine with her parents and brother. She and her family were involved in church on a regular basis and was involved in children’s ministry, youth group, choir, and piano. She attended Christian summer camps beginning at age eight, which she loved. At the age of fourteen, she attended the Child Evangelism Fellowship of Maine summer missionary program, Christian Youth in Action (CYIA). She worked during her summers as a summer missionary in Maine, teaching backyard Bible clubs, Vacation Bible School, and working at Camp Good News as a camp counselor until the age of twenty-one. After high school, Heather attended Mercy Hospital School of Nursing in Portland, Maine, and received her RN degree. Heather has worked as a nurse for over three decades, during which time she has worked in hospitals, nursing homes, schools and colleges, and medical offices, and continued to return to Maine each summer as a camp nurse. Heather continued her education, receiving diplomas in Nutrition Therapy and Clinical Herbalism and certifications in the areas of clinical weight loss and autoimmune nutrition specialist. Heather currently owns her own business in Chester, NH – Back in Thyme Wellness and Herbs, where she runs a wellness shop offering medicinal herbs and teas, nutritional supplements, and health and wellness products. She also teaches nutrition and herbal medicine classes and offers nutrition and herbal medicine consultations.

Heather has been married to Tim Peloquin since 1987, and together they have two grown children and, to date, one granddaughter.

Heather and her husband are members of Heritage Baptist Church in Windham, NH, where she is part of the music ministry as a pianist.

Additionally, Heather and Tim, for years, have sponsored vulnerable children in developing countries and are supportive of many missionary efforts of the same.

Heather strives to live out her favorite Bible verse: Matthew 5:16 – “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”


Brian Seabourne


Brian is a Regional Director of Construction at American Tower, one of the largest Real Estate Investment Trust in the world. He has spent over 20 years with the Company in various departments ranging from Accounting to Site Development, in support of building and maintaining critical telecommunications infrastructure throughout the United States. Brian started with the Company in late 2000 after graduating from Southern New Hampshire University where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance.

Born in 1978, Brian was raised in a small Connecticut town prior to moving to Georgia after college. It is there that he started his family and is the proud father of two amazing young girls, Mikayla and Marlee. Ultimately, the draw to be closer to family and work, led Brian and his family to relocate and settle in Sandown, New Hampshire. Seeing the benefits his children have simply by being born in the United States, his Christian faith and learning of the underserved areas of Africa, encourages Brian to support changing lives that could have generational impacts.



Camelia Bouzerdan, Board Member | Promised Land Foundation, NH

Camelia Bouzerdan

Board Member

Camelia’s greatest aspiration is that the Name of the Lord will be praised through everything she does. Growing up in communist Eastern Europe, she was inspired by her grandparents’ stories from the feudal serfdom period In Transylvania to always make a positive difference in the lives of others.

Camelia has over 20 years of experience in teaching. For the past 12 years she has
developed and taught courses in the higher education in a range of disciplines including Peace and Conflict Studies, Political Science, Economics, and Honors College covering topics like human rights, economic justice, and poverty alleviation. Camelia is currently a Ph. D. candidate in Global Studies. Her academic research focuses on two broad areas of human security: economic and health security analyzing the nexus between employment opportunities enabled by public policies and economic and health security. Camelia participated in Global Studies, Economics, Education, Human Rights, and Media academic conferences and while seeking feedback for her research from other peers and offering her insight to other academic scholars.

Camelia lives with her husband and their son in New Hampshire. In her free time she enjoys sewing needlepoint and taking care of her indoor and outdoor plants.

David | Promised Land Foundation

Scott M. Coulombe

Board Member

Mr. Coulombe has vast experience in commercial and residential construction, both domestically and internationally. Early in his career, he owned a large steel manufacturing and pre-fabrication company that built numerous schools, hotels, assisted living facilities and college dormitories. Additionally, he provided over 5,300 shelter houses to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake over a 5-year period.
Paradoxically, his company also provided the engineering, design, supply, and installation training for luxury housing on two man-made islands off the coast of Gibraltar. Currently, Mr. Coulombe is the Director of Renewable Natural Gas at Phoenix Power, a Quanta Services
company that is one of the largest infrastructure companies in North America with over 44,000 employees. He has a degree in Civil Engineering Technology with a concentration in Architecture from the University of New Hampshire. Mr. Coulombe is a Christian and desires to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord and to serve Him with all his heart, soul and mind as it is stated in Mark 12:30-31. Development work in Haiti was the hardest and most rewarding work of his lifetime which sparked a fire towards helping others see hope in developing countries. He plans to utilize his experiences, skills, network, and resources to further the Gospel and to care for “the least of these” Matthew 25:40.


Brenda O'Loughlin

Board Member

Brenda Jean Eyssi (O’Loughlin) was born in Methuen, MA, in 1966 and grew up in Salem, NH. She is the second oldest of three siblings and was blessed with loving parents. Brenda was captain of the volleyball team and knew early on that she was stepping into a leadership role, as she was very sociable and was also a member of many clubs. The family also attended a Catholic Church.

She attended college at New Hampshire Technical Institute, where she became a Certified Dental Assistant and continued on with her education to become a Registered Dental Hygienist in the state of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and California. She now has over 30 years of experience in the dental field. Brenda is very social, loves people, and has a wonderful sense of humor. She has volunteered her dentistry skills and abilities to provide services for patients that do not have dental insurance.

In 1991, she met the love of her life, Timothy Patrick O’Loughlin, and married soon thereafter. In 2001, their daughter Kate was born and has now graduated college. Tim and Brenda are very proud of the young woman that their daughter has become.

At this time, Brenda is seeking God first in her life. She cites Proverbs 3:6, “In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths,” and believes she is a unique creation of our Almighty God. Proverbs 16:3 states, “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established,” and this verse guides her. Last, because of the wonderful friendships groomed with the folks at Promised Land Foundation, Brenda has chosen to accept the role of being on this exciting venture on this Board of Directors.

A Firm Foundation

We are building Promised Land Foundation (US) from the ground up with a strong Board of Directors and all the sound practices of successful non-profit charitable organizations. With a firm foundation in place, we know that God will use this Foundation to bless others throughout Malawi, Zambia, other parts of Africa, and beyond. This is our long-term commitment, and we cannot wait to see what God has in store for the journey ahead. We sincerely hope you’ll be inspired to join us!

Blessings, Timothy A. & Heather L. Peloquin (founders)